The Founder of

IfB Mining Consultants

Johannes has more than 45 years of experience in mining, today covering most facets of the mining industry like research, teaching, operations, planning, sales and independent consulting with his personal professional experience.

Projects made him work in the many parts of Western and Eastern Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa. His early focus was on surface mining in both soft and hard rock formations. Through his later assignments in the mining supply industry, he became also familiar with underground mining, especially in coal and potash mines. His experience in commodities furthermore comprise gold, copper, tin, tantalite, tungsten, iron ore, various industrial minerals and the dimension stone sector.

He covered positions as miner, mining engineer, head of the engineering department and managing director. Since 30 years, he serves development organizations and institutions, mining houses, banks and governments as independent consultant with his vast experience in the minerals and mining sector.


flexible - precise - in time

The company was formally establishment in 1997 and resulted from the informal cooperation with the late Prof. Jürgen G. Voss ( 2001), which commenced 1987.

The Association

IfB is an association of engineers and scientists of different background and specialization for the execution of engineering-, research-, consulting and management services.

Specialized Teams for each Individual Project

As the continuous advance in technology asks for specialization to cope with the work required to optimize design and processes, it is obvious that no individual company will ever have the expertise for each one of the specialized fields among its employees. Therefore IfB selected this special form of an engineering association for its organization, where, out of an existing pool of expertise working groups will be formed for each special task. IfB offers services for the entire spectrum of the mining industry and its related fields. The range of services is based on a broad and long-standing experience in the engineering and consulting business worldwide. Due to its form of organization it is the superior aim of IfB to form special working groups for the individual projects.

Combining International and Local Expertise

Wherever possible, we try to combine international and local expertise to ensure the most effective planning and execution of the works.

Responsibility and Sustainable Mining

German companies have large experience in international mining and naturally transfer German mining experience and sustainability standards to foreign countries. IfB combines these standards with the development requirements and chances also in projects abroad in order to fuel economic and social development through resposible mining.

Worldwide Activities

Based on more than 30 years of experience in the consulting field for natural resources in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas extensive know-how and experience has been accumulated to serve the industry worldwide. Besides the cooperating experts and individuals IfB has built up a worldwide network of co-operating companies and offices.


Key Qualifications

  • Scoping, Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies
  • Due Diligence Studies
  • Countrywide Masterplans for the Mining Industry
  • Open cast and underground coal, potash, limestone and ore mining
  • Continuous and conventional equipment application
  • Mine and infrastructure planning
  • Industrial to mega-mine operation
  • Small scale mining and community development
  • Economics in mining
  • Project management
  • Technical and economic evaluation of deposits
  • Institutional analyses of the mines and minerals sectors
  • Mining legislation
  • Environmental and social impact assessment, environmental studies
  • Environmental rehabilitation
  • Independent Owner's / Lender's Engineer




Minex GmbH, Vienna


Brenk Systemplanung GmbH, Aachen

Geoberg GmbH, Olfen

Dr. Frank Wrobel, Beratender Geologe, Garbsen

AMR Aufbereitung Mineralischer Rohstoffe, RWTH Aachen

Mineral & Exploration Dr. Thomas Krassmann, Bad Windsheim


Dr. Karl-Friedrich Bandelow, Geologist, Calapa, Mindoro Oriental


Dr. Yuri Kaputin, Mine Planning Engineer, St. Petersburg

South Africa

Malundoni Capital International Limited, Johannesburg


S. A. Elkhabir for Multi Activities Co. Ltd., Khartoum


Royal Marange Clan (Pvt) Ltd., Harare

GRC Green Resources Company (Pvt) Ltd., Harare

Simbarashe Mukota, Bulawayo

Contact Us

IfB Mining Consultants GmbH & Co. KG

Technical and consulting services & solutions for international mining and ressource projects, offering over 30 years of experience and a vast network of professionals.

  • Nelly-Sachs-Str. 11, 59348 Lüdinghausen, Germany
  • +49 (0) 25 91 / 89 27 96 5
  • +49 (0) 171 / 99 38 702
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